up to now, men and boys have either teased u, scared u, bullied u or caused u pain. but u r getting to be a "big girl" and must inevitably face up to the facts of life. u r a late bloomer, girls your age have already begun to appreciate males in a new way. even the most stubborn "tomgurls" look at males differently. your development took a detour towards feminity some time ago, but how have real boys developed? u 'll have some natural curiousity about that, as well as the unfamiliar emotions they are bringing out in you. not to mention those blushes their stares now cause!
how u see boys...
u may not want to admit it, but your blooming vanity is beginning to respond to male attention. how has that happened? especially since u r definitely not gay? art of it is your hormonal balance. by now u have begun to explore your sexual feelings witn your girrfriend. but as pretty and sweet as she is, u have to be honest and admit that there's something missing. as much as you enjoy playing with her, u also crave something else. and as hard as you might, imagining yourself as the "boy" doesn't work for all the times. that's where the physchological aspect of your transformation comes in. your desires are femininely submissive, not dominant. that's who u are!
...and how boys see u!
u r acutely aware that u are not as attractive as a real girl. your breasts are smaller, your body less curvy than skinny and u don't have the natural grace of a genetic female. though u try hard to match it and many times u succeed! still, u know that when u r exposed to male eyes, you feel them over you, assigning values to your body parts, grading your sexual appeal. and, more often than not, u 'll know instinctively u 've "made the grade* that he's interested! imagine just a short time ago, u were an awkward boy and now u r catching and keeping the attention of a strong, handsome man! in some way u r bringing out the "hunter" in him, a primitive mating urge u will need to quickly learn how to respond to. like it or not!