It's late...

Mistress R has gone to bed but I'm not really tired enough yet, even though I've done two lots of exercise today (Go, Me!)... not only that but I also spent a lovely hour in bed with Mistress earlier and licked her to another lovely climax (bringing her total to 27 since April 1st). Not only that, but I got a double dose of teasing... firstly when we were kissing when we first got into bed, Mistress was stroking my cock and then as I moved down her body she used her foot to tease my cock and balls until I moved fully between her legs. Then after I made her cum she surprised me by pulling the sheet back (I thought I'd had my treat for the day) and stroked and teased me wonderfully for several more exquisite minutes. It felt so, so good, and my cock was soooooo hard!
Mistress was also very pleased that I had managed not to touch my cock since Saturday, maybe that's why she gave me extra teasing (but most likely it was because she so pleased with how hard I'm trying with the weight loss thing). It was so much better than doing it myself, and that's what I have to remind myself. Not only does it feel better than me doing it, but because I haven't done it myself, it makes Mistress's touch feel even better. If you think about it, it's like being locked up, without being locked up. All you need is willpower!
Of course, now I'm awake, Mistress is asleep and the world wide web of filth is wide open to me. And of course I want to touch my cock, but I'm not going to, not even a little bit. Because next time Mistress touches me I want it to feel just as amazing as it did tonight, and I know that if I touch my cock myself it will detract from that, plus I want to be able to say to Mistress next time she asks that I have obeyed her wishes.
Moreover, I love the idea that ALL my sexual pleasure should come at the behest and whim of my Mistress. That is why I would love to be locked up in a chastity belt, so that Mistress R would know without question that every bit of sexual pleasure I get would come from her. It's easy for me to say that I have not touched my cock or made myself cum (and I have not lied once since we started this) but I would love for her to have that security, that absolute knowledge that I cannot have done either since she locked me up and that only she can release me and grant me satisfaction through teasing or release.
But that's not going to happen any time soon, so instead I am going to concentrate on behaving myself, knowing that when Mistress does decide to touch my cock again it will be enhanced greatly by my self-discipline and stoic adherence to Mistress's instructions.